Using as the NuGet Packages

Using Platformus CMS as the NuGet packages is the preferred way (unless you consider the source code only as a starting point for your own project and do not need any updates in the future). Your host web application can contain any application-specific code, and you can extend the built-in features and modify the default behaviors using the Platformus public API.

  1. Create an ASP.NET Core host web application (or use an existing one):
../_images/19.png ../_images/21.png
  1. Open NuGet Package Manager and add dependencies on the following Platformus packages:
  • Platformus.Core.Data.EntityFramework.Sqlite
  • Platformus.Images
  • Platformus.Website.Backend
  • Platformus.Website.Data.EntityFramework.Sqlite
  • Platformus.Website.Frontend
  • Platformus.WebApplication

Or you can add them manually by editing .csproj file of your web application project:

  <PackageReference Include="Platformus.Core.Data.EntityFramework.Sqlite" Version="4.0.0" />
  <PackageReference Include="Platformus.Images" Version="4.0.0" />
  <PackageReference Include="Platformus.Website.Backend" Version="4.0.0" />
  <PackageReference Include="Platformus.Website.Data.EntityFramework.SqlServer" Version="4.0.0" />
  <PackageReference Include="Platformus.Website.Frontend" Version="4.0.0" />
  <PackageReference Include="Platformus.WebApplication" Version="4.0.0" />
  1. Open your Startup class.

Add the services.AddPlatformus() extension method call inside the ConfigureServices method:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

Add the StorageContextOptions options class configuration inside the ConfigureServices method in order to provide the connection string (of course, you should take it from the application settings):

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
  services.Configure<StorageContextOptions>(options =>
      options.ConnectionString = this.configuration.GetConnectionString("Default");


Add the applicationBuilder.UsePlatformus() extension method call inside the Configure method:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder applicationBuilder, IWebHostEnvironment webHostEnvironment)
  if (webHostEnvironment.IsDevelopment())


Don’t forget to include the Platformus.WebApplication.Extensions namespace in order these extension methods to be resolved.

  1. Execute the Platformus database scripts on your database.

5. Run your web application and navigate to /backend to configure Platformus. Use the default “” and “admin” credentials to sign in.